Chimney Liner Insulation Information
July 19, 2023
Do I really need to insulate my chimney liner?
It is strongly advised that you do insulate. When you install your new liner with our Super Wrap Insulation Kit or Everguard Vermiculite Mix you know you have completed a job that will pay for itself. By insulating you assure yourself that your appliance will operate at it's highest point of efficiency, and cleaning will be a snap. Your insurance company will love you for it. An insulated chimney has a better draft, stays cleaner longer, and allows your appliance to be as efficient as possible.

How does an insulated liner help reduce creosote?
When you burn solid fuels such as wood, the moisture in the wood (there is always a certain percentage) mixes with the creosote that is formed from burning wood and rises in the chimney as a gas (smoke). When the smoke hits a relatively cool chimney, the creosote and moisture turn back into a solid/liquid. The cooler the chimney, the more the creosote adheres to it, the warmer the chimney, the less creosote will adhere to it.
Put into simpler terms: It is much like an un-insulated window in your house. Single pane windows are always wet with moisture in the house in the winter time because they are cold. No matter how warm you keep the house heated inside, the moisture is still there. However if you install an insulated double-pane window you will eliminate the moisture on the windows. If you touch the insulated glass, it still feels cool compared to the indoor temperature, but it is warmed enough not to allow condensation. An insulated chimney works in the same manner, where as it is not as warm hot as the fire, but warm enough to significantly reduce the moisture and creosote mixture from adhering to your chimney liner.
See our Chimney Liner Insulation Kits.
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